Cross-Cultural Workers & Organizations


Mitch has traveled to over 30 countries since 1978 and worked with a broad range of teams and organizations. He lived in Europe for two years and studied European history and German language as an undergraduate. Dr. Mitch began his cross-cultural work by supporting the pastoral and literature needs of Christian churches in the former East-bloc countries of Central Europe. His work abroad diversified to training on child maltreatment and sexual offenders in Europe, Brazil, and New Zealand through organizations such as USAID, World VisionYWAM, and Pioneers. Additionally, Dr. Mitch was a significant contributor the the initial establishment of a child abuse response system in Romania. More recently he has made two trips to the Middle East as a consultant to NGO teams working in Palestine, as well as to Jordan with Salaam Cultural Museum (SCM) Medical Missions in support of Syrian, Palestinian, and Iraqi refugee populations there. 


Dr. Mitch is currently part of the multi-disciplinary professional staff of Cornerstone Counseling Foundation in Chiang Mai, Thailand, which serves the mental health needs of cross-cultural workers throughout Asia. He also works as a regular trainer and consultant for organizations based in Chiang Mai with workers based worldwide. He is a faculty member of the Asia Graduate School of Theology (AGST) Philippines Doctor of Education in Christian Counseling program and part of the staff of the Narramore Christian Foundation (NCF) Counseling and Member Care Seminar.

Dr. Mitch brings long and diverse international experience, cross-cultural sensitivity, an understanding of team and leadership dynamics, and seasoned clinical experience in short- and long-term intervention/therapy to address individuals' emotional and psychological needs as well as those of marital relationships.